The need for specialised care and support for individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) is critical, particularly for those living in rural and regional areas of Australia. These individuals often face unique challenges due to geographic isolation, limited access to healthcare services, and the physical and emotional toll of living with SCI. For those aged over 65, these challenges are compounded by age-related health issues. The Sargood Foundation is seeking to support stays at Sargood on Collaroy for these over 65’s from rural and regional Australia.
At Sargood, the dedicated facilities and expertise in SCI care provide tools to improve the quality of life and build independence. Funding these stays at Sargood will address significant unmet needs and create profound positive impacts.
The recipients of the grants will be selected from applicants at the discretion of the Sargood Foundation.
Applications can be made via the booking form on the Sargood on Collaroy website.