
Sarah is from Port Macquarie and enjoyed a stay at Sargood with her husband and two children aged eight and 10 thanks to the support of the Sargood Foundation.

The family were so relieved to be able to get away and enjoy some time together. Sarah has lived with pain and uncertainty since a work place accident left her with a spinal cord injury. The family are coming to terms with this diagnosis which they received late last year.

Staying at Sargood allowed the kids to be kids again. Both of the children assist with Mum’s care at home and Sarah has been delighted to see them be able to play and enjoy life without the constant worry and concern the family share for their Mum. Even Dad was able to have a bit of a break.

“This trip has made our family bond refreshed and stronger. Being in ocean for the first time in many years was such a great feeling. We were all smiling and laughing which we haven’t done in a long time,” said Sarah.

Sarah absolutely loves the water and a hydro pool has played an important role in her rehab, so to be able to enjoy the pool at Sargood with our fabulous Recreation Team was such a highlight for her.

Sarah has really benefited from the experience and the advice from the care team at Sargood. It’s also given the family a break from their own caring responsibilities. Being able to learn new techniques and get some advice has given Sarah the confidence to seek new care when she returns home.

Back in Port Macquarie, the house is being updated to accommodate Sarah’s injury and she’s getting so much inspiration from the accessible features in place here at Sargood.

“I just felt safe at Sargood. I’m not safe at home, I fear falling all the time and it worries my husband and kids,” said Sarah.

We were so pleased to be able to give Sarah, her husband and young children a break from life, to just be together and to reflect on what happiness the future might hold.