Our Work

The Sargood Foundation is a community based, DGR registered charity which exists to support and resource the work of Sargood on Collaroy and provide people living with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) with opportunities to live life to the fullest.

We currently work to provide support to Sargood on Collaroy (run by Royal Rehab). To date we focus on the provision of subsidised stays and travel costs for guests who otherwise could not afford this valuable experience. Through our wonderful partners, we facilitate the donation of state of the art adaptive gym and recreation equipment to enhance guest experiences at Sargood on Collaroy.

Looking to the future, we need increased investment to achieve our dreams of a world where people with living with SCI can realise their full potential through building resilience and empowering participation in life.

“Grants and Opportunities like this have the potential to really change peoples lives and show them things that they can only dream of doing”. Shem

Our vision is that all people affected by Spinal Cord Injury are provided with opportunities to live life to the fullest and so The Sargood Foundation currently funds an extensive, diverse and much needed program of grants and donations as follows:

Stays at Sargood

One of the most important things the Sargood Foundation does is to fund the stays at Sargood of those who have inadequate insurance or NDIS support and would otherwise be unable to stay. These are people in real need – living with the physical and emotional consequences of Spinal Cord Injury.

Funding is available on application to help those aged over 65 who suffer a Spinal Cord Jnjury (SCI), children whose funds are used for essential equipment, families who need a second room for their children or carer and people who have a very recent injury and no insurance cover.

Additional funding is also available to assist those with a SCI, aged over 65 who are living in Rural and Regional Australia to enjoy a stay of up to 5 nights at Sargood on Collaroy.

Travel Grants

In most circumstances, accommodation and care is covered by the insurers of guests attending Sargood on Collaroy. It has been noted that transport is not covered in all cases, and this can be an obstacle to those in financial hardship and can prevent a stay at Sargood from occurring at all. Travel grants are available to help those in financial distress get to Sargood.


The Foundation offers support at Lifeworks in Sargood on Collaroy for community members who live with SCI delivering specialised therapies to support, maintain and increase function and wellbeing. These exercise therapies, including physiotherapy and exercise physiology, can assist the development of or increase an individual’s skills and capacity for independence and community participation.


The Sargood Foundation works with key partners to facilitate the donation of important items of equipment that enhances guest stays. These items allow guests with Spinal Cord Injury to enjoy activities that build independence and confidence as well as the opportunity to connect with other guests and our wonderful recreation team. Thanks to our generous donors, we have gifted Sargood on Collaroy with adaptive kayaks, special hand controlled mountain bikes, adaptive gym equipment to build strength and fitness as well as a fully kitted out trailer which makes recreational trips easier for guests and staff.

Skills for Independence

Working extensively with people who are living with SCI, we know that there is rightly, a lot of focus on the individual living throughout their rehabilitation journey but far fewer resources and support available to their families. The Sargood Foundation is proudly supporting the Skills for Independence incorporating Family Connections program that will support the development and innovative and practical project that will improve outcomes for the family members of those who live with SCI.

Staff Awards

Our best asset is the team from Royal Rehab who run Sargood on Collaroy, and so The Sargood Foundation is proud to support our recognition program for employees of Sargood on Collaroy who have shown outstanding work in their sincerity of care, and service to our guests.

Sargood Kids Camps

Kid’s camps hosted at Sargood on Collaroy over school holidays deliver engaging and innovative activities that strengthen and build targeted support to children living with SCI and their families in a supportive and warm environment. The confidence and social support networks that come out of a Sargood Kids Camp will help create a great environment for kids with SCI to thrive as they progress through the school system. Find Out More.

Sargood Golden Oldies Camps

The Sargood Foundation is supporting Golden Oldies camps, hosted at Sargood on Collaroy for those who are aged over 65 and their carers or partners. At these camps, the amazing team at Sargood will deliver engaging and innovative activities that strengthen and build targeted support to these guests a supportive and warm environment. Over the course of 3 nights up to 12 over 65’s with spinal injuries their partners and carers will have the opportunity to connect, with an emphasis on peer support, building a community of people with a shared lived experience of spinal injury.
Find Out More.

Internship Program

The Foundation has committed to support the pilot and evaluation of a program based at Sargood for interns who are living with SCI to gain the necessary skills to find meaningful employment post injury. We have successfully completed 2 intern programs and we look forward to welcoming 3 new candidates for this outstanding experience over the next 18 months.


Returning to or gaining employment after Spinal Cord Injury is a fundamentally difficult experience for people and multiple strategies are required to support and navigate the process. There is, however, a need in people with spinal cord injury, to be a worker or engaged in an occupation, and with that comes the inherent benefits of being employed. We are working to create and invest in a sustainable and meaningful program that will lead to improved employment opportunities for people living with SCI.

Emergency Funding

The Sargood Foundation are funding a pilot program that provides Emergency Funding Assistance grants for those who are aged 65 with a recent SCI who are in NSW spinal injury units Prince of Wales Hospital, or Royal North Shore Hospital/ Royal Rehab and experiencing financial distress. These grants help fund essential equipment that will help to improve the situation of families and patients in the weeks following a Spinal Cord Injury. We also offer grants to assist those current in-patients, or families of current in-patients in these locations, who have recently sustained a spinal cord injury, to provide assistance for those who are burdened with additional expenses as a consequence of sustaining SCI, and do not have available resources to cover these costs. For example, the grant may assist with the costs families incur for Short-term accommodation near the spinal ward, Travel to and from the spinal ward or parking at or near spinal ward
These grants were developed by the Sargood Foundation in consultation with Social Work teams from these hospitals, clinical experts at SoC, SCIA, and Sargood Foundation Ambassadors with lived experience

Program To Support For Families Of Those With Recent SCI

Working with SCIA to joint fund an innovative new program to assist the families of people with newly acquired spinal cord injury who need extra support – especially emotional support. Pilot program starting 20204 aims to support these families via Peer Mentors, who will work with Social Workers and Clinicians, and also other families through flexible offerings of groups, events and activities. The outcomes this model will achieve relate to family members’ confidence, strategies for managing crisis, adjustment, and strengthened natural support network.

The Future

Looking to the future, we are seeking investment to achieve our mission of a world where people with a Spinal Cord Injury can realise their full potential through building resilience and empowering participation in life and to continue to create positive and engaged communities. So we are actively working to identify strategic initiatives which will help individuals and families deal with the physical and psychological impacts of a life changing injury.

“As soon as I entered Sargood I marvelled at the beautiful scenery and the décor. But mostly I felt “SAFE” with all the experts in the various fields of my injuries, the first time I have ever felt like this in almost 15 years. My 84-year-old husband is my carer and he relaxed immediately and the responsibility he always feels was lifted” Lynn

Who Is Eligible For Funding From The Sargood Foundation?

The Sargood Foundation Accommodation Grant offers a stay at Sargood on Collaroy for a person living with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) who meets the following criteria:

Those aged over 65 who are not covered by the NDIS, nor are they covered by state based insurance
Those who have sustained a recent Spinal Cord Injury and are waiting for the allocation of NDIS or insurance funding
Those whose NDIS plan is insufficient to cover a stay at Sargood on Collaroy
Those who live in Rural and Regional Australia
Consideration will be given on a case by case basis to fund an additional interconnecting room to accommodate family members or carers for guests who are covered by NDIS

Sargood Foundation Travel Grant can assist with travel to and from Sargood on Collaroy. Available upon application to prospective guests requiring financial assistance who meet the eligibility criteria.

All grants are available only to residents of Australia, preference will be given to applicants that can demonstrate financial hardship and individuals will be limited to one stay in a 2-year period as available funds need to be shared equitably among all eligible guests.

How To Apply For A Sponsored Stay

If you wish to apply for financial assistance towards your stay from the Sargood Foundation, please action the following:
Please contact Sargood on Collaroy on 02 8597 0600 and ask to be sent a Booking Enquiry Form or visit the Sargood on Collaroy website.
As part of the Booking Enquiry Form you will be asked how you will be funding your stay. Please select that you would like to apply for financial assistance through the Sargood Foundation.
You will then be asked four questions about your stay:

  • Why are you applying for financial assistance?
  • What goals are you looking to achieve by staying at Sargood on Collaroy?
  • How much can you afford to contribute each night of your stay?
  • Agree to being contacted by the Sargood Foundation and providing a promotional testimonial about your funded stay.

You may be asked to demonstrate your financial hardship by supplying documents such as a copy of your tax returns showing your household income from the last financial year, a copy of your concession card or other evidence from Centrelink or Government body.
Available dates will be offered by The Sargood Foundation, keeping your preference of dates in mind.
Once we receive this Booking Enquiry Form, Sargood on Collaroy will be in touch with you to notify you regarding the outcome of your application.
Funding will be awarded as a maximum 2 night stay for those living in Metro Sydney and a maximum 5 night stay for those travelling from other areas, including rural and regional Australia
Please note the following conditions in regard to Sponsored Stays:

  • Available to Australian permanent residents only
  • Priority will be given to new guests
  • The limit of financial assistance to any one individual will be one stay in a 2 year period, as available funds need to be shared equitably among all eligible guests
  • Nights are to be taken in a single stay
  • Standard and Deluxe rooms only, no upgrades available
  • A second room will be considered on a case-by-case basis, particularly for families
  • Guests will be invited to contribute what they can afford to their stay
  • Available dates will be offered by Sargood keeping guest preference of dates in mind
  • All financial assistance is granted at the discretion of the Sargood Foundation and available funding. No appeal or correspondence will be entered into

We are committed to protecting your personal information, and ensuring its privacy, accuracy and security. We handle your personal information in a responsible manner and we only use your personal information for the purpose for which it was provided to us, for related purposes (for personal information excluding credit eligibility information), or as required or permitted by law.

How to apply for a sponsored stay

If you wish to apply for financial assistance towards your stay from the Sargood Foundation, please action the following:





Please contact Sargood on Collaroy on 02 8597 0600 and ask to be sent a Booking Enquiry Form or visit the Sargood on Collaroy website.

As part of the Booking Enquiry Form you will be asked how you will be funding your stay. Please select that you would like to apply for financial assistance through the Sargood Foundation.

You will then be asked four questions about your stay:

  1. Why are you applying for financial assistance?
  2. What goals are you looking to achieve by staying at Sargood on Collaroy?
  3. How much can you afford to contribute each night of your stay?
  4. Agree to being contacted by the Sargood Foundation and providing a promotional testimonial about your funded stay.

You may be asked to demonstrate your financial hardship by supplying documents such as a copy of your tax returns showing your household income from the last financial year, a copy of your concession card or other evidence from Centrelink or Government body.

Available dates will be offered by The Sargood Foundation, keeping your preference of dates in mind.

Once we receive this Booking Enquiry Form, Sargood on Collaroy will be in touch with you to notify you regarding the outcome of your application.

Funding will be awarded as a maximum 3 night stay for those living in Metro Sydney and a maximum 5 night stay for those travelling from other areas.

Please note the following conditions in regard to Sponsored Stays:

  • Available to Australian permanent residents only
  • Priority will be given to new guests
  • The limit of financial assistance to any one individual will be one stay in a 3 year period, as available funds need to be shared equitably among all eligible guests
  • Nights are to be taken in a single stay
  • Standard and Deluxe rooms only, no upgrades available
  • A second room will be considered on a case-by-case basis, particularly for families
  • Guests will be invited to contribute what they can afford to their stay
  • Available dates will be offered by Sargood keeping guest preference of dates in mind
  • All financial assistance is granted at the discretion of the Sargood Foundation and available funding. No appeal or correspondence will be entered into

We are committed to protecting your personal information, and ensuring its privacy, accuracy and security. We handle your personal information in a responsible manner and we only use your personal information for the purpose for which it was provided to us, for related purposes (for personal information excluding credit eligibility information), or as required or permitted by law.